Monday, August 16, 2010

Return of Gameboi SF

Hey guys,

how was everyone weekend, I hope it was great. Me of course did nothing on friday. Yep I hav not gone to DRAGON for a long time haha. That place is getting so old.

Well on Sat. I met ZT and MS ( he is a new friend ) we went to have lunch at a Taiwnaese Resturant in Cupertino. It was good. We went to see the movie Undisstructable. I didnt want to see that movie becasue I saw a Jet Li in it. Who is my fave guy hes so cut even though he is getting old I still love him haha. I thought he was going to die becasue in those kinds of movies He usally dies. If he is not the Main star in the movie he dies like in that cop movie from the early 90s.

Than after the movie we had Shanghai food in Milpitas. Had my duck hehe, I love duck it taste so good. After that Oh yeah we went to the mall also. At Great mall it was ok. So many cuties there. later that night we went to the Return of Gameboi SF. WOW there was so many kids haha cute though. Some of them look older than 18 but didnt have the 21+ wristband. I was like what hell.

You could tell we were in a 18+ club becasue they way they dance is so different than when you go to grow ups clubs omg. Me and ZT were also like what hell they have boyfriends. But we felt like we were the old popular guys becasue of the VIP area we were in. LOL I saw so many people I knew. Later we went to END UP which was ok.

Well later guys.

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