Monday, August 31, 2009

Parties and More Parties!

Hey guys,

Sorry for the long post. I have been very busy since school started last Monday on the 24th. I am taking 5 class that are 1 hour and 15mins each. But the give way to much reading.

Class I am taking:
1.) International Organizations
2.) Asian Politics
3.) Global Society
4.) Asian Philosophy
5.) Writing class for upper division
* At the and of this semester you might see in my blog words you have never seen before. This class is to make you use words you would have never think of just like the SAT words. He wants us to write the way he wants so because of the my writing will change a lot. I hope.

So Yeah this past Friday I went to Dragon with BFF, C.K, and V.R and met some of my other friends. C.L is leaving for China soon, so he went to Dragon. God he is so cute and sweet.

Saturday I was invited to a House Party that was fun. So many gay guys and they were tall Ha Ha. Where have they been all this time. Than on Sunday I went to the dinner party for C.L. His good bye party even though he is coming back in 2 months. He says but that is only if he cant find what he is looking for and no not a boy friend but something to change the way he is doing his life. And I really want him to. You never want someone to do something they do not want to do.

The dinner was nice I at least got to say my goodbyes. But at the party my BFF's ex came which I did not know that he knew C.L a little weird. Now its official the Gay Asian World is to small. So somehow BFF's ex knows I like C.L kinda weird. He says he can tell in my eyes. He also thinks me and C.L would be good together. "Hes a sweet guy and I am a rough bottom." BFF's Ex. How would he know haha. He also told me that I am to conservative when I am sober but when I am drunk I am so funny. Its true but still I bow and shake hands like you see most Asian do in Asia even when I am drunk. I think he wanted to say that I am not so much formal.

For me when I am around people I do not know or even a guy a like. I do not want to do anything stupid were they would not like me. So I try to be very formal and don't say anything. Life is very interesting for me.


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